Rabu, 29 April 2015

Integrate Play data into your workflow with data exports

Posted by Frederic Mayot, Google Play team

The Google Play Developer Console makes a wealth of data available to you so you have the insight needed to successfully publish, grow, and monetize your apps and games. We appreciate that some developers want to access and analyze their data beyond the visualization offered today in the Developer Console, which is why we’ve made financial information, crash data, and user reviews available for export. We're now also making all the statistics on your apps and games (installs, ratings, GCM usage, etc.) accessible via Google Cloud Storage.

New Reports section in the Google Play Developer Console

We’ve added a Reports tab to the Developer Console so that you can view and access all available data exports in one place.

A reliable way to access Google Play data

This is the easiest and most reliable way to download your Google Play Developer Console statistics. You can access all of your reports, including install statistics, reviews, crashes, and revenue.

Programmatic access to Google Play data

This new Google Cloud Storage access will open up a wealth of possibilities. For instance, you can now programmatically:

  • import install and revenue data into your in-house dashboard

  • run custom analysis

  • import crashes and ANRs into your bug tracker

  • import reviews into your CRM to monitor feedback and reply to your users

Your data is available in a Google Cloud Storage bucket, which is most easily accessed using gsutil. To get started, follow these three simple steps to access your reports:

  1. Install the gsutil tool.

    • Authenticate to your account using your Google Play Developer Console credentials.

  2. Find your reporting bucket ID on the new Reports section.

    • Your bucket ID begins with: pubsite_prod_rev (example:pubsite_prod_rev_1234567890)

  3. Use the gsutil ls command to list directories/reports and gsutil cp to copy the reports. Your reports are organized in directories by package name, as well as year and month of their creation.

Read more about exporting report data in the Google Play Developer Help Center.

Note about data ownership on Google Play and Cloud Platform: Your Google Play developer account is gaining access to a dedicated, read-only Google Cloud Storage bucket owned by Google Play. If you’re a Google Cloud Storage customer, the rest of your data is unaffected and not connected to your Google Play developer account. Google Cloud Storage customers can find out more about their data storage on the terms of service page.

Selasa, 28 April 2015

There's a lot to explore with Google Play services 7.3


Posted by Ian Lake, Developer Advocate

Today, we’re excited to give you new tools to build better apps with the rollout of Google Play services 7.3. With new Android Wear APIs, the addition of nutrition data to Google Fit, improvements to retrieving the user’s activity and location, and better support for optional APIs, there’s a lot to explore in this release.

Android Wear

Google Play services 7.3 extends the Android Wear network by enabling you to connect multiple Wear devices to a single mobile device.

While the DataApi will automatically sync DataItems across all nodes in the Wear network, the directed nature of the MessageApi is faced with new challenges. What node do you send a message to when the NodeApi starts showing multiple nodes from getConnectedNodes()? This is exactly the use case for the new CapabilityApi, which allows different nodes to advertise that they provide a specific functionality (say, the phone node being able to download images from the internet). This allows you to replace a generic NodeListener with a more specific CapabilityListener, getting only connection results and a list of nodes that have the specific functionality you need. We’ve updated the Sending and Receiving Messages training to explore this new functionality.

Another new addition for Android Wear is the ChannelApi, which provides a bidirectional data connection between two nodes. While assets are the best way to efficiently add binary data to the data layer for synchronization to all devices, this API focuses on sending larger binary data directly between specific nodes. This comes in two forms: sending full files via the sendFile() method (perfect for later offline access) or opening an OutputStream to stream real time binary data. We hope this offers a flexible, low level API to complement the DataApi and MessageApi.

We’ve updated our samples with these changes in mind so go check them out here!

Google Fit

Google Fit makes building fitness apps easier with fitness specific APIs on retrieving sensor data like current location and speed, collecting and storing activity data in Google Fit’s open platform, and automatically aggregating that data into a single view of the user’s fitness data.

To make it even easier to retrieve up-to-date information, Google Play Services 7.3 adds a new method to the HistoryApi: readDailyTotal(). This automatically aggregates data for a given DataType from midnight on the current day through now, giving you a single DataPoint. For TYPE_STEP_COUNT_DELTA, this method does not require any authentication, making it possible to retrieve the current number of steps for today from any application whether on mobile devices or on Android Wear - great for watch faces!

Google Fit is also augmenting its existing data types with granular nutrition information, including protein, fat, cholesterol, and more. By leveraging these details about the user’s diet, developers can help users stay more informed about their health and fitness.


LocationRequest is the heart of the FusedLocationProviderApi, encapsulating the type and frequency of location information you’d like to receive. An important, but small change to LocationRequest is the addition of a maximum wait time for location updates via setMaxWaitTime(). By using a value at least two times larger than the requested interval, the system can batch location updates together, reducing battery usage and, on some devices, actually improving location accuracy.

For any ongoing location requests, it is important to know that you will continue to get good location data back. The SettingsApi is still incredibly useful for confirming that user settings are optimal before you put in a LocationRequest, however, it isn’t the best approach for continual monitoring. For that, you can use the new LocationCallback class in place of your existing LocationListener to receive LocationAvailability updates in addition to location updates, giving you a simple callback whenever settings might have changed which will affect the current set of LocationRequests. You can also use FusedLocationProviderApi’s getLocationAvailability() to retrieve the current state on demand.

Connecting to Google Play services

One of the biggest benefits of GoogleApiClient is that it provides a single connection state, whether you are connecting to a single API or multiple APIs. However, this made it hard to work with APIs that might not be available on all devices, such as the Wearable API. This release makes it much easier to work with APIs that may not always be available with the addition of an addApiIfAvailable() method ensuring that unavailable APIs do not hold up the connection process. The current state for each API can then be retrieved via getConnectionResult(), giving you a way to check at runtime whether an API is available and connected.

While GoogleApiClient’s connection process already takes care of checking for Google Play services availability, if you are not using GoogleApiClient, you’ll find many of the static utility methods in GooglePlayServicesUtil such as isGooglePlayServicesAvailable() have now been moved to the singleton GoogleApiAvailability class. We hope the move away from static methods helps you when writing tests, ensuring your application can properly handle any error cases.

SDK is now available!

Google Play services 7.3 is now available: get started with updated SDK now!

To learn more about Google Play services and the APIs available to you through it, visit the Google Play services section on the Android Developer site.

Rabu, 22 April 2015

New Android Code Samples

Posted by Rich Hyndman, Developer Advocate

A new set of Android code samples, covering Android Wear, Android for Work, NFC and Screen capturing, have been committed to our Google Samples repository on GitHub. Here’s a summary of the new code samples:


This sample mimics a real world mobile and Android Wear app. It has a more refined design and also provides a practical example of how a mobile app would interact and communicate with its Wear counterpart.

The app itself is modeled after a hypothetical tourist attractions experience that notifies the user when they are in close proximity to notable points of interest. In parallel,the Wear component shows tourist attraction images and summary information, and provides quick actions for nearby tourist attractions in a GridViewPager UI component.

DeviceOwner - A Device Owner is a specialized type of device administrator that can control device security and configuration. This sample uses the DevicePolicyManager to demonstrate how to use device owner features, including configuring global settings (e.g.automatic time and time-zone) and setting the default launcher.

NfcProvisioning - This sample demonstrates how to use NFC to provision a device with a device owner. This sample sets up the peer device with the DeviceOwner sample by default. You can rewrite the configuration to use any other device owner.

NFC BeamLargeFiles - A demonstration of how to transfer large files via Android Beam on Android 4.1 and above. After the initial handshake over NFC, file transfer will take place over a secondary high-speed communication channel such as Bluetooth or WiFi Direct.

ScreenCapture - The MediaProjection API was added in Android Lollipop and allows you to easily capture screen contents and/or record system audio. The ScreenCapture sample demonstrates how to use the API to capture device screen in real time and show it on a SurfaceView.

As an additional bonus, the Santa Tracker Android app, including three games, two watch-faces and other goodies, was also recently open sourced and is now available on GitHub.

As with all the Android samples, you can also easily access these new additions in Android Studio using the built in Import Samples feature and they’re also available through our Samples Browser.

Check out a sample today to help you with your development!

Game Performance: Explicit Uniform Locations

Posted by Shanee Nishry, Games Developer Advocate

Uniforms variables in GLSL are crucial for passing data between the game code on the CPU and the shader program on the graphics card. Unfortunately, up until the availability of OpenGL ES 3.1, using uniforms required some preparation which made the workflow slightly more complicated and wasted time during loading.

Let us examine a simple vertex shader and see how OpenGL ES 3.1 allows us to improve it:

#version 300 es

layout(location = 0) in vec4 vertexPosition;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 vertexUV;

uniform mat4 matWorldViewProjection;

out vec2 outTexCoord;

void main()
outTexCoord = vertexUV;
gl_Position = matWorldViewProjection * vertexPosition;

Note: You might be familiar with this shader from a previous Game Performance article on Layout Qualifiers. Find it here.

We have a single uniform for our world view projection matrix:

uniform mat4 matWorldViewProjection;

The inefficiency appears when you want to assign the uniform value.

You need to use glUniformMatrix4fv or glUniform4f to set the uniform’s value but you also need the handle for the uniform’s location in the program. To get the handle you must call glGetUniformLocation.

GLuint program; // the shader program
float matWorldViewProject[16]; // 4x4 matrix as float array

GLint handle = glGetUniformLocation( program, “matWorldViewProjection” );
glUniformMatrix4fv( handle, 1, false, matWorldViewProject );

That pattern leads to having to call glGetUniformLocation for each uniform in every shader and keeping the handles or worse, calling glGetUniformLocation every frame.

Warning! Never call glGetUniformLocation every frame! Not only is it bad practice but it is slow and bad for your game’s performance. Always call it during initialization and save it somewhere in your code for use in the render loop.

This process is inefficient, it requires you to do more work and costs precious time and performance.

Also take into consideration that you might have multiple shaders with the same uniforms. It would be much better if your code was deterministic and the shader language allowed you to explicitly set the locations of your uniforms so you don’t need to query and manage access handles. This is now possible with Explicit Uniform Locations.

You can set the location for uniforms directly in the shader’s code. They are declared like this

layout(location = index) uniform type name;

For our example shader it would be:

layout(location = 0) uniform mat4 matWorldViewProjection;

This means you never need to use glGetUniformLocation again, resulting in simpler code, initialization process and saved CPU cycles.

This is how the example shader looks after the change. Changes are marked in bold:

#version 310 es

layout(location = 0) in vec4 vertexPosition;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 vertexUV;

layout(location = 0) uniform mat4 matWorldViewProjection;

out vec2 outTexCoord;

void main()
outTexCoord = vertexUV;
gl_Position = matWorldViewProjection * vertexPosition;

As Explicit Uniform Locations are only supported from OpenGL ES 3.1 we also changed the version declaration to 310.

Now all you need to do to set your matWorldViewProjection uniform value is call glUniformMatrix4fv for the handle 0:

const GLint UNIFORM_MAT_WVP = 0; // Uniform location for WorldViewProjection
float matWorldViewProject[16]; // 4x4 matrix as float array

glUniformMatrix4fv( UNIFORM_MAT_WVP, 1, false, matWorldViewProject );

This change is extremely simple and the improvements can be substantial, producing cleaner code, asset pipeline and improved performance. Be sure to make these changes If you are targeting OpenGL ES 3.1 or creating multiple APKs to support a wide range of devices.

To learn more about Explicit Uniform Locations check out the OpenGL wiki page for it which contains valuable information on different layouts and how arrays are represented.

Selasa, 21 April 2015

Android Support Library 22.1

Posted by Ian Lake, Developer Advocate

You may have heard the phrase ‘the best code is no code.’ While we don’t recommend not writing any code at all, the code you do write should be adding unique value to your app rather than replicating common boilerplate code. The Android Support Library is one of the best resources for accomplishing this by taking care of the little things for you.

The latest release of the Android Support Library is no different, adding a number of extremely helpful components and changes across the Support V4, AppCompat, Leanback, RecyclerView, Palette, and Renderscript libraries. From the new AppCompatActivity and AppCompatDialog to a new guided step flow for Android TV, there’s a lot to get excited about in this release.

Support V4

The Support V4 library serves as the base of much of the Android Support Library and contains many of the classes focused on making backward compatibility much easier.

DrawableCompat now brings drawable tinting back to API 4: simply wrap your Drawable via DrawableCompat.wrap(Drawable) and setTint(), setTintList(), and setTintMode() will just work: no need to create and maintain separate drawables only to support multiple colors!

In addition, we’re making some of the internals of Palette available to all via the ColorUtils class, giving you pre-built tools to better work with colors. ColorUtils makes it easy to calculate the contrast ratio between colors, determine the minimum alpha value to maintain a minimum contrast (perfect for ensuring readable text), or convert colors to their HSL components.

Interpolators are an important part of any animation system, controlling the rate of change in an animation (say accelerating, decelerating, etc). A number of interpolators were added in Lollipop to android.R.interpolator including fast_out_linear_in, fast_out_slow_in, and linear_out_slow_in: important parts of building authentic motion. These are now available via the Support Library via the FastOutLinearInInterpolator, FastOutSlowInInterpolator, and LinearOutSlowInInterpolator classes, making it possible to use these via code for all animations. In addition to those pre-built interpolators, we’ve also created PathInterpolatorCompat, allowing you to build quadratic and cubic Bezier curves as well.

This release also moves the Space widget from the GridLayout library into Support V4, making it available without requiring a separate dependency. The Space widget is a lightweight, invisible View that can be used to create gaps between components.


The AppCompat Support Library started with humble, but important beginnings: a single consistent Action Bar for all API 7 and higher devices. In revision 21, it took on new responsibility: bringing material color palette, widget tinting, Toolbar support, and more to all API 7+ devices. With that, the name ActionBarActivity didn’t really cover the full scope of what it really did.

In this release, ActionBarActivity has been deprecated in favor of the new AppCompatActivity. However, this wasn’t just a rename. In fact, the internal logic of AppCompat is now available via AppCompatDelegate - a class you can include in any Activity, hook up the appropriate lifecycle methods, and get the same consistent theming, color tinting, and more without requiring you to use AppCompatActivity (although that remains the easiest way to get started).

With the help of the new AppCompatDelegate, we’ve also added support for consistent, material design dialogs via the AppCompatDialog class. If you’ve used AlertDialog before, you’ll be happy to know there is also now a Support Library version in support.v7.app.AlertDialog, giving you the same API as well as all the benefits of AppCompatDialog.

The ability to tint widgets automatically when using AppCompat is incredibly helpful in keeping strong branding and consistency throughout your app. This is done automatically when inflating layouts - replacing Button with AppCompatButton, TextView with AppCompatTextView, etc. to ensure that each could support tinting. In this release, those tint aware widgets are now publicly available, allowing you to keep tinting support even if you need to subclass one of the supported widgets.

The full list of tint aware widgets at this time is:
  • AppCompatAutoCompleteTextView

  • AppCompatButton

  • AppCompatCheckBox

  • AppCompatCheckedTextView

  • AppCompatEditText

  • AppCompatMultiAutoCompleteTextView

  • AppCompatRadioButton

  • AppCompatRatingBar

  • AppCompatSpinner

  • AppCompatTextView

Lollipop added the ability to overwrite the theme at a view by view level by using the android:theme XML attribute - incredibly useful for things such as dark action bars on light activities. Now, AppCompat allows you to use android:theme for Toolbars (deprecating the app:theme used previously) and, even better, brings android:theme support to all views on API 11+ devices.

If you’re just getting started with AppCompat, check out how easy it is to get started and bring a consistent design to all of your users:


With the Leanback library serving as the collection of best practices for Android TV apps, we’d be remiss to not make an even better 10’ experience as part of the release with the new guided step functionality.

This set of classes and themes can be used to build a multiple step process that looks great on Android TV. It is constructed from a guidance view on the left and a list of actions on the right. Each is customizable via themes with a parent of Theme.Leanback.GuidedStep or, if even more customization is needed, through custom a GuidanceStylist and GuidedActionsStylist.

You’ll also find a large number of bug fixes, performance improvements, and an extra coat of polish throughout the library - all with the goal of making the Leanback experience even better for users and developers alike.


Besides a healthy set of bug fixes, this release adds a new SortedList data structure. This collection makes it easy to maintain a sorted list of custom objects, correctly dispatching change events as the data changes through to RecyclerView.Adapter: maintaining the item added/deleted/moved/changed animations provided by RecyclerView.

In addition, SortedList also supports batching changes together, dispatching just a single set of operations to the Adapter, ensuring the best user experience when a large number of items change simultaneously.


If you’ve been using Palette to extract colors from images, you’ll be happy to know that it is now 6-8 times faster without sacrificing quality!

Palette now uses a Builder pattern for instantiation. Rather than directly calling Palette.generate(Bitmap) or their equivalents, you’ll use Palette.from(Bitmap) to retrieve a Palette.Builder. You can then optionally change the maximum number of colors to generate and set the maximum size of the image to run Palette against before calling generate() or generateAsync() to retrieve the color Swatches.


Renderscript gives you massive compute potential and the Support Library version makes a number of the pre-defined scripts, called script intrinsics, available to all API 8+ devices. This release improves reliability and performance across all devices with an improved detection algorithm in determining whether the native Renderscript functionality can be used - ensuring the fastest, most reliable implementation is always chosen. Two additional intrinsics are also added in this release: ScriptIntrinsicHistogram and ScriptIntrinsicResize, rounding out the collection to ten.

SDK available now!

There’s no better time to get started with the Android Support Library. You can get started developing today by downloading the Android Support Library and Android Support Repository from the Android SDK Manager.

To learn more about the Android Support Library and the APIs available to you through it, visit the Support Library section on the Android Developer site.

Android Developer Story: Jelly Button Games grows globally through data driven development

Posted by Leticia Lago, Google Play team

For Jelly Button Games, understanding users is the key to creating and maintaining a successful game, particularly when growth relies on moving into overseas markets. The team makes extensive use of Google Analytics and Google BigQuery to analyze more than 3 billion events each month. By using this data, Jelly Button can pinpoint exactly where, when, and why people play their highly-rated game, Pirate Kings. Feeding this information back into development has driven active daily users up 1500 percent in just five months.

We caught up with Mor Shani, Moti Novo, and Ron Rejwan — some of the co-founders — in Tel Aviv, Israel, to discover how they created an international hit and keep it growing.

Learn about Google Analytics and taking your game to an international audience:

  • Analyze — discover the power of data from the Google Play Developer Console and Google Analytics.

  • Query — find out how Google BigQuery can help you extract the essential information you need from millions or billions of data points.

  • Localize — guide the localization of your app with best practices and tools.

Kamis, 16 April 2015

Drive app installs through App Indexing

Posted by Lawrence Chang, Product Manager

You’ve invested time and effort into making your app an awesome experience, and we want to help people find the great content you’ve created. App Indexing has already been helping people engage with your Android app after they’ve installed it — we now have 30 billion links within apps indexed. Starting this week, people searching on Google can also discover your app if they haven’t installed it yet. If you’ve implemented App Indexing, when indexed content from your app is relevant to a search done on Google on Android devices, people may start to see app install buttons for your app in search results. Tapping these buttons will take them to the Google Play store where they can install your app, then continue straight on to the right content within it.

App installs through app indexing

With the addition of these install links, we are starting to use App Indexing as a ranking signal for all users on Android, regardless of whether they have your app installed or not. We hope that Search will now help you acquire new users, as well as re-engage your existing ones. To get started, visit g.co/AppIndexing and to learn more about the other ways you can integrate with Google Search, visit g.co/DeveloperSearch.

Selasa, 14 April 2015

Helping developers connect with families on Google Play

Posted by Eunice Kim, Product Manager, Google Play

There are thousands of Android developers creating experiences for families and children — apps and games that broaden the mind and inspire creativity. These developers, like PBS Kids, Tynker and Crayola, carefully tailor their apps to provide high quality, age appropriate content; from optimizing user interface design for children to building interactive features that both educate and entertain.

Google Play is committed to the success of this emerging developer community, so today we’re introducing a new program called Designed for Families, which allows developers to designate their apps and games as family-friendly. Participating apps will be eligible for upcoming family-focused experiences on Google Play that will help parents discover great, age-appropriate content and make more informed choices.

Starting now, developers can opt in their app or game through the Google Play Developer Console. From there, our team will review the submission to verify that it meets the Designed for Families program requirements. In the coming weeks, we’ll be adding new ways to promote family content to users on Google Play — we’ll have more to share on this soon.

Rabu, 08 April 2015

New course: Take Android app performance to the next level

Posted by Jocelyn Becker, Developer Advocate

Building the next great Android app isn't enough. You can have the most amazing social integration, best API coverage, and coolest photo filters, but none of that matters if your app is slow and frustrating to use.

That's why we've launched our new online training course at Udacity, focusing entirely on improving Android performance. This course complements the Android Performance Patterns video series, focused on giving you the resources to help make fast, smooth, and awesome experiences for users.

Created by Android Performance guru Colt McAnlis, this course reviews the main pillars of performance (rendering, compute, and battery). You'll work through tutorials on how to use the tools in Android Studio to find and fix performance problems.

By the end of the course, you'll understand how common performance problems arise from your hardware, OS, and application code. Using profiling tools to gather data, you'll learn to identify and fix performance bottlenecks so users can have that smooth 60 FPS experience that will keep them coming back for more.

Take the course: https://www.udacity.com/course/ud825. Join the conversation and follow along on social at #PERFMATTERS.

Nokia c1-01 charging problem solution

This is nokia c1-01 charging problem ,charging not work, charging ways solution.View below picture and read below note.

How to do this work: Check red mark parts and jumper.

Nokia 1616 network

Network part is the very important for mobile phone motherboard.Now I showing how to repair nokia 16161 phone's network problem.

How to do this work : If you face  nokia 1616 network problems,at first change your sim card and see the result if you see problem still then open your phone,check ant line if they are ok but problem still then re-hot red mark parts.

Nokia 1616 Mic solution

Nokia 1616 mic problem is very common.This problem may be many reason they are if damage microphone,broken mic line ways or mic related parts. Now I showing how to repair it.At first see the below picture then work.

How to do this work : Step one check or change mic if you see problem same then check red line ways.If they ok but problem still then check mic related parts.

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Nokia c1-01 lcd light jumper solution

This is nokia c1-01 lecd light problem solution with apply jumper.if you have available parts of nokia c1-01 lcd light part then you repair this problem with replacing parts. If you have no light transistor only then you use this jumper  

How to repair it : Remove lcd light transistor and coil make blue jumper and make pink color two jumper.

Nokia 1616 sim jumper

This is 100% tested solution.Nokia 1616 phone may be  insert sim problem,When face this problem then repair it using this solution.If  you fail repair this solution using other solution you can apply this solution.I hope you successfully repair it.

How to do this work: Check sim card first if sim card ok but problem still then open phone next check sim base and  sim pin point if they ok then check red mark line.If you see they are ok but problem still then remove sim ic and make this jumper.

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Nokia 1616 power button jumper

We can not active any phone without power button.So power button is most important for every phone.Now I share how to repair nokia 1616 power button problem.

How to do this : Check red mark line ,If you see one of them are broken then make jumper following the picture.

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Nokia 1616 keypad solution

Nokia 1616 keypad solution is very useful for nokia 1616 phone.Keypad may be two type problem one of them single key dose not work and other problem is no key work.Single key not work solution is clear carbon on the keypad. And no key not work solution is view the below picture.

How to do this: If you face this problem then first clean full pcb goodly with petrol and check keypad line ways.

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Nokia c1-00 notcharging solution

This is nokia c1-00 not charging solution.There are many reason for  not charging problem.They are may be for battery problem , charger problem or motherboard hardware problem.Now I showing how to repair nokia c1-00 not charging hardware solution.

How to do this work: If your phone has this problem,First check your phones battery and charger. if they are ok but problem still then open your phone wash full pcb and hit with stan light 4/5 Minutes see result if result same then check yellow linr and red mark resistor.

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Nokia  1616 not charging solution
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Nokia c1-00 light jumper

Now I showing how to repair nokia c1-00 light problem.I will repair it without parts only applying jumper.At first see below picture and flow all tips.

How to do this work : If Your phone has no light then check light line ways next check led light voltage If no volt found of light voltage then check and replace light coil and transistor.After that check your phone If you see problem still Only then you can apply this jumper.

How to make jumper : first cut keypad led line then remove coil and transistor and make this jumper.

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Nokia c1-01 sim problem jumper solution

Now I showing How to repair Nokia c1-01 insert sim problem.This problem has repairing two ways one of them replacing sim ic and  another solution is sim ic jumper.If you have sim is  then you can replace sim ic If you  have no sim ic only then you can repair this problem using jumper.

How to do this : replace red mark ic this is sim ic.If you have no sim ic only then you can apply jumper.

Senin, 06 April 2015

Nokia c2-06 mic not work problem solution

Nokia c2-06 slide phones mic not work problems solution is very easy.Just following by below picture and note.

How to do this : If your phone has this problem then first check or change mic and check.If you see problem still then check red mark line and mic related parts i hope your problem will be solve.

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Nokia c2-06 charging problem solution

This is nokia c2-06 charging problem.Charging problem is very common problem of mobile phone.I create this solution for nokia c2-06 phones charging problems.If any body face this problem  then repair this problem following  this solution.

How to do this work : If you face this problem then first check your charger next check charging socket. If you see they are ok but problem still then check this red mark line if you found any fault then repair that fault using this picture.

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Nokia 1616 network ic jumper

May be many reason of Nokia 1616 network problem.Pa damage is one of them.When damage pa then have  no network on this phone or network stay some seconds.If you have this problem of your phone then you can apply this solution.

How to do this work: If you face this problem then first check your sim card.Because some time are network problem for sim card.If problem still then rplace pa of other same phone.If you have no pa on your hand then you can apply this jumper.

Nokia asha 311 ringer problem ringer not work solution

Now I share nokia asha 311 phones ringer problem that means nokia asha 311 no sound , poor or low sound problem.any body can repair this problem using this solution.View the below picture and work step by step.

How to do this : If your phone has ringer problem then open your phone next check your phones speaker if speaker is ok but problem same then check this ways If you found any line damage then make jumper following by this solution.

nokia 305 light solution

this is nokia asha 305 light problem solution

Check red mark All parts

Nokia 305 display ways

Nokia asha 305 lcd line ways problems solution.just following below picture

Nokia 1616 dead solution

Today I share how to repair nokia 1616 dead phone.May be many reason of dead problem there are for software problem,broken battery connector,missing power button ways,creating carbon in the motherboard ,sort circuit  any parts  or short network ic.Lets go how to repair it.


How to do this work: If you wont to repair this problem then first try to identify what is your phones problem hardware or software problem.If you thinking it's software problem then you can flash your phone.Or if you  thinking it's hardware problem then first check battery connector next check power button line next check full motherboard have any carbon or draft on the board then clean full pcb and next check short circuit on the motherboard or any parts.If you can  this work  I hope you will repair it successfully. 

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Jumat, 03 April 2015

Nokia 1800 light jumper

Nokia 1800 light solution using jumper.Nokia 1800 lighting part is different of other nokia phone such  as nokia 1600 or nokia 1110 phone.Nokia 1600 light work with light ic but nokia 1800 phone work with transistor.Now I come to work,If you face nokia 1800 light problem then you check transistor and you saw transistor is bad.but transistor is not available of you.Then you apply this solution.

How to do this work : At first remove coil and transistor then make yellow jumper and red jumper and cut led line and then led negative side connect with gnd,

Nokia 1280 lcd display line ways

Now  I will Discuss about Nokia 12080 lcd display problem and how to repair it.You need to know your phone has display problem or other problem.How to understand display problem or other problem its very simple Just check info with HWKand see result.If you see LCD:unknown then you can confirm that is lcd problem or lcd line damage.It needs to know when this phone has display problem then phone will not on no call no light.

How to do this :  Check all lcd line if you found damage any line then repair that line.Then solder display and see result thank you.

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nokia 1616 ringer problem solution

New I share how to repair Nokia 1616 ringer problem.It repair very simple ways.View below picture and work step by step.

How to do this: If  you face this problem then first check ringtone setting or reset factory setting and see result If you see result same, then open phone and check ringer speaker next check red mark diode if needed remove it.

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Enable your messaging app for Android Auto

Posted by Joshua Gordon, Developer Advocate

What if there was a way for drivers to stay connected using your messaging app, while keeping their hands on the wheel and eyes on the road?

Android Auto helps drivers stay connected, but in a more convenient way that's integrated with the car. It eliminates the need to type and read messages by replacing these activities with a voice controlled interface.

Enabling your messaging app to work with Android Auto is easy. Developers like Skype and textPlus have already done so. Check out this DevByte for an overview of the messaging APIs, and see the developer training guide for a deep dive. Read on for a look at the key steps involved.

Message notifications on the car’s display

When an Android 5.0+ phone is connected to a compatible car, users receive incoming message notifications from Auto-enabled apps on the car’s head unit display. Your app runs on the phone, but is controlled by the car. To learn more about how this works, watch the Introduction to Android Auto DevByte.

A new message notification from Skype

If your app already uses notifications to alert the user to incoming messages, it’ll be easy to extend these for Auto. It takes just a few lines of code, and you won’t have to change how your app works on the phone.

There are a couple small differences between message notifications on Auto vs. a phone. On Auto, a preview of the message content isn’t shown, because messaging is driven entirely by voice. Second, message notifications are backed by a conversation object. This is simply a collection of unread messages from a particular sender.

Decorate your notification with the CarExtender to add support for the car. Next, use the UnreadConversation.Builder to create a conversation, and populate it by iterating over your app's unread messages (from a certain sender) and adding them to the conversation. Pass your conversation object to the CarExtender, and you’re done!

Tap to hear messages

Tapping on a message notification plays it back on the car's sound system, via text to speech. This is handled automatically by the framework; no additional code is required. Pretty cool, right?

In order to know when the user hears a message, you provide a PendingIntent that’s triggered by the system. That’s one of just two intents you’ll need to handle to enable your app for Auto.

Reply by voice

Voice control is the real magic of Android Auto. Users reply to messages by speaking, via voice recognition. This is far faster and more natural than typing.

Enabling this functionality is as simple as adding a RemoteInput instance to your conversation objects, before you issue the notification. Speech recognition is handled entirely by the framework. The recognition result is delivered to your app as a plain text string via a second PendingIntent.

Replying to a message from textPlus by voice.

Next Steps

Make your messaging app more natural to use in the car by enabling it for Android Auto. Now drivers can stay connected, without typing or reading messages. It just takes a few lines of code. To learn more visit developer.android.com/auto